Project Description

Description of Project: Salt and Sand storage building.

The customer came to us for a building that would provide them with: Public bid.

The design needed to include: Design/Build of the building to meet performance spec.

Additional critical requirements: 22’ clear ceiling height.

We designed the building to the customer’s specs to replace a canvas covered steel truss frame building that had been damaged by wind on three separate occasions, with the following features, including:

Dimensions: 72’W x 140’L x 22’H.

Framing – Project specific designed post-frame building structure to resist the weight of the salt pile, as well as the local snow and wind loads. Pre-engineered clear span roof trusses to meet the interior space requirements.

Interior space – Twenty-two feet minimum vertical clearance to the bottom of the structure and continuing the full length. Existing barrier wall consisted of precast concrete. Wall to remain and be re-used.

Roof system – Mcelroy Max-Rib 29GA painted steel roofing with large diameter exposed screw fasteners over 7/16” OSB roof decking. Tudor brown color.

Exterior wall construction – Mcelroy Max-Rib 29GA painted steel with exposed screw fasteners. Light stone color.

One 24’w x 22’h endwall opening and one full width open end.